Publications by Author:
Allen Larocque | Alice Chang | Amanda Asay | Brian Pickle |
Camille Defrenne | Elana Evans | Gabriel Orrego | Katie McMahen |
Laura Super | Monika Gorzelak | Suzanne Simard | Teresa Ryan |
Recent Selected Publications
Refereed Journal Articles, Published
- Pickles, B. J. and Simard, S. W. (2017) Mycorrhizal networks and forest resilience to drought.In: Johnson, N. C., Gehring, C. and Jansa, J. (eds.) Mycorrhizal Mediation of Soil – Fertility, Structure, and Carbon Storage. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 319-339. ISBN 9780128043127 doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-804312-7.00018-8
- Asay AK, Pickles BJ, Dudley SA, Aitken SN, Durall DM, Simard SW. (2016) Evidence of kin recognition in conifers and the role of mycorrhizal networks (submitted).
- Defrenne, C. (2015) Carbon storage and related soil properties in a coastal temperate rainforest: a case study on the legacy of past disturbance in Southern British Columbia. February, 2015 The Annual Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, Bamfield, BC.
- Gorzelak MA, Asay AK, Pickles BJ, Simard SW. 2015. Inter-plant communication through mycorrhizal networks mediates complex adaptive behaviour in plant communities. AoB PLANTS 7: plv050–.
- Pickles BJ, Wilhelm R., Asay AK., Hahn A., Simard SW, Mohn W. (2015) Mycorrhizae dominate belowground carbon assimilation and transfer among Douglas-fir seedlings. The ISME Journal (submitted).
- Simard, S.W., Asay, A.K., Beiler, K.J., Bingham, M.A., Deslippe, J.R., He, X., Philip, L.J., Song, Y., Teste, F.P. (2015). Resource transfer between plants through ectomycorrhizal networks – In: Mycorrhizal Networks. Edited by T. R. Horton. Springer, in press.
- Pickles, B.J., Wilhelm, R., Asay, A.K., Hahn, A., Simard, S.W, and Mohn, W.W.(2015).Mycorrhizal dominate belowground carbon assimilation and transfer among Douglas-fir seedlings. ISME Journal.
- Pec, G.J., Karst, J., Sywenky, A.N., Cigan, P.W., Erbilgin, N., Simard, S.W., Cahill, J.F. Jr. (2015). Rapid increases in forest understory diversity and productivity following a mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreak in pine forests. PLoS ONE. 10(4): e0124691. Published, PLoS ONE.
- Paudel, S., Nitschke, C.R., Simard, S.W., and Innes, J.L.(2015). Regeneration dynamics of white spruce, trembling aspen and balsam poplar in response to disturbance, climatic and edaphic factors in the cold dry boreal forests of the southwest Yukon, Canada. Journal of Forestry. Published, Society of American Foresters,
- Paudel, S., Simard, S.W., Nitschke, C.R. and Innes, J.L.(2015). Climate variation and disturbance regime affect stand composition and structure of the boreal forests in Southwest Yukon of Canada. Open Journal of Forestry. 5(4): 337-352.
- Roach W.J., Simard S.W., Sachs D.L.(2015). Evidence against planting lodgepole pine monocultures in cedar-hemlock forests in southern British Columbia. Forestry. 88(3): 345-358.
- Song, Y.Y., Simard, S.W., Caroll, A., Mohn, W.W., Zheng, R.(2015). Defoliation of interior Douglasfir elicits carbon transfer and defense signaling to ponderosa pine neighbors through ectomycorrhizal networks. Scientific Reports. 5(8495): 1-9.
- Karst, J., Erbilgin, N., Pec, G.J., Cigan, P.W., Najar, A., Simard, S.W., Cahill Jr., J.F.(2015). Bark beetlecaused tree mortality elicits transgenerational cascades on pine seedlings through fungal mutualisms. New Phytologist. 95(4): 1096-1103.
- Simard, S.W.(2015). Conversations in the forest: The roots of Nature’s equanimity.SGI Quarterly. 79: 8-9.
- Baleshta, K.E,. Simard, S.W., Roach, W.J.(2015). Effects of thinning paper birch on conifer productivity and understory plant diversity. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. 30(1): 1-11.
- Pickles, B.J., Twieg, B.D., O’Neill, G.A., Simard, S.W., Mohn W.W.(2015). Local adaptation in migrated interior Douglas-fir seedlings is mediated by ectomycorrhizae and other soil factors. New Phytologist. 27(3): 858-871.
- Pickles, B.J., Wilhelm, R., Asay, A.K., Hahn, A., Simard, S.W.(2015). Carbon assimilation by soil communities: mycorrhizae dominate the uptake and sub-service transfer of carbon between paired Douglas-fir seedlings. New Phytologist.
- Beiler, K.J., Simrd, S.W., Durall, D.M.(2015). Topology of Rhizopogon spp. mycorrhizal meta-networks in xeric and mesic old-growth interior Douglas-fir forests. Journal of Ecology. 103(3): 616-628.
- Simard, S.W., Asay, A.K., Beiler, K.J., Bingham, M.A., Deslippe, J.R., He, X., Philip, L.J., Song, Y., Teste, F.P.(2015). Resource transfer between plants through ectomycorrhizal networks. Mycorrhizal Networks. Editors: T. R. Horton
- Beiler, K.J., Simard, S.W. and Durall, D.M.(2015). Topology of Rhizopogon spp. mycorrhizal metanetworks in xeric and mesic old-growth interior Douglas-fir forests.Journal of Ecology. 103(3): 616-628.
- Aitken, S.N. and Simard, S.W.(2015). Restoring forests. Alternatives Journal. 41(1): 30-33.Published
- Treu, R., Karst, J., Randall, M., Pec, G.J., Cigan, P., Simard, S.W., Cooke, J., Erbilgin, N., and Cahill Jr., J.F. (2014). Decline of ectomycorrhizal fungi following mountain pine beetle infestation. Ecology, 95:1096–1103.
- Barker, J.S., Simard, S.W., and Jones, M.D. (2014). Clearcutting and wildfire have comparable effects on growth of directly seeded interior Douglas-fir. Forest Ecology & Management, 331: 188-195.
- King, C., Dordel, J., Krzic, M., and Simard, S.W. (2014). Integrating mobile-based learning into post-secondary education: using a mobile gaming application to enhance a forest ecology course. Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education, doi:10.4195/nse2014.02.0004.
- Aitken, S.N. and Simard, S.W. 2014. Sustainable forests: the fabric of Canadian landscapes. Alternatives Journal, in press.
- Chang, A.S. (2013) Stable isotope analysis and forestry. Branchlines 23(4): 24-25.
- Simard, S.W. (2013). Practicing mindful silviculture in our changing climate. Silviculture Magazine, Fall 2013: 6-8.
- Filotas, E., Parrott, L., Burton, P.J., Chazdon, R.L., Coates, K.D., Coll, L., Haeussler, S., Martin, K., Nocentini, S., Puettmann, K.J., Putz, F.E., Simard, S.W., and Messier, C. (2013). Viewing forests through the lens of complex systems science. Ecosphere 5:art1
- Bingham, M.A., and Simard, S.W. (2013). Seedling genetics and life history outweigh mycorrhizal network potential to improve conifer regeneration under drought. Forest Ecology & Management, 287: 132-139.
- Barker, J.S., Simard, S.W., Jones, M.D., and Durall, D.M. (2013). Ectomycorrhizal fungal community assembly on regenerating Douglas-fir after wildfire and clearcut harvesting. Oecologia, 172: 1179-1189.
- Simard, S.W. (2012) Mycorrhizal networks and seedling establishment in Douglas-fir forests. Biocomplexity of Plant–Fungal Interactions, First Edition. Edited by Darlene Southworth. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Chapter 4, pages 85-107. ISBN-10: 0813815940 | ISBN-13: 978-0813815947
- Dordel, J.D., Wilson, J., Norris, A., Lavkulich, L.M., and Simard, S.W. (2012). Talking science: Telling our stories. Policy Options, December 2012 issue.
- Simard SW (2012). Free-growing: caught in a modern Kodak moment. The BC Forest Professional, September/October: 12-14.
- Henry GHR, Harper KA, Chen W, Deslippe JR, Grant RF, Lafleur PM, Lévesque E, Siciliano SD, Simard SW (2012). Effects of observed and experimental climate change on terrestrial ecosystems in northern Canada: results from the Canadian IPY program. Climatic Change, 115: 207-234.
- Lewis, K., and Simard, S.W. (2012). Transforming forest management in B.C. – Opinion Editorial, Special to the Vancouver Sun, March 11, 2012
- Simard, S.W., and Martin, K. (2012). The powerful networks of forests. Friends of Clayquot Sound Newsletter, Summer: 6.
- Simard, S.W., Beiler, K.J., Bingham, M.A., Deslippe. J.R., Philip, L.J., and Teste, F.P. (2012). Mycorrhizal networks: mechanisms, ecology and modelling. Invited Review. Fungal Biology Reviews, 26: 39-60.
- Beiler, K.J., Simard, S.W., Lemay, V., and Durall, D.M. (2012). Vertical partitioning between sister species of Rhizopogon fungi on mesic and xeric sites in an interior Douglas-fir forest. Molecular Ecology, 21: 6163-6174.
- Simard, S.W. (2012). Book Review: Requiem for a Species, Why We Resist the Truth about Climate Change, by Clive Hamilton, Publisher: Earthscan (2010) ISBN: 978-1-84971-081-7 (hbk.) / 978-1-84407-766-3 (pbk.). The BC Forest Professional, July/August 2012: 24.
- Bingham, M.A., and Simard, S.W. (2012). Mycorrhizal networks affect ectomycorrhizal fungal community similarity between conspecific trees and seedlings. Mycorrhiza, 22: 317–326.
- Deslippe, J.R., Hartmann, M., Simard, S.W., and Mohn, W.W. (2012). Long-term warming alters the composition of Arctic soil microbial communities. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 82: 303-315.
- Bingham, M.A., and Simard, S.W. (2012). Ectomycorrhizal networks of old Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca trees facilitate establishment of conspecific seedlings under drought. Ecosystems, 15: 188-199.
- Strivelli, R.A., Krzic, M., Crowley, C., Dyanatkar, S., Bomke, A.W., Simard, S.W. and Jakoy, A. (2011). Development of a web-based teaching tool Illustrating land use impacts to soil formation and quality. Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education, 40(1): 215-223.
- Deslippe, J.R., Hartmann, M., Mohn, W.W. and Simard, S.W. (2011). Long-term experimental manipulation of climate alters the ectomycorrhizal community of Betula nana in Arctic tundra. Global Change Biology, 17: 1625–1636.
- Dordel, J., Simard, S.W., Bauhus, J., Guy, R.D., Prescott, C., Seely, B., Pojas, L.J. (2011). Effects of nurse-crop species and density on nutrient and water availability to underplanted T. ciliata in north-eastern Argentina. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41:1754-1768.
- Philip LJ, Simard SW, Jones MD (2011). Pathways for belowground carbon transfer between paper birch and Douglas-fir seedlings. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 3: 221-233.
- Deslippe, J.R., and Simard, S.W. (2011). Below-ground carbon transfer among Betula nana may increase with warming in Arctic tundra. New Phytologist, 192(3): 689-698.
- Bingham, M.A., and Simard, S.W. (2011). Do mycorrhizal network benefits to survival and growth of interior Douglas-fir seedlings increase with soil moisture stress? Ecology and Evolution, 3(1): 306-316.
- Dordel, J., Seely, B., and Simard, S.W. (2011). Relationships between simulated water stress and mortality and growth rates in underplanted Toona ciliata Roem. in subtropical Argentinean plantations. Ecological Modelling, 222: 3226-3235.
- Simard, S.W., and Lewis, K. (2011). New policies needed to save our forests. Opinion Editorial, Special to the Vancouver Sun, April 8, 2011
- Philip, L.J., Simard, S.W., and Jones, M.D. (2011) Pathways for belowground carbon transfer between paper birch and Douglas-fir seedlings. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 3: 221-233.
- Simard, S.W. (2011) No time to waste: forest conservation management is essential for climate change mitigation. In: Wilson, B., Holt, R., Williams, D., Krishnaswamy, A., and Morris, J. (eds)., Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology. “Carbon Management in BC Ecosystems” conference held on June 15-16, 2011, at Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. Chapter 15, pages 58-65.,
- Simard, S.W., and Lewis, K. (2011). New policies needed to save our forests – Opinion Editorial, Special to the Vancouver Sun, April 8, 2011
- Dordel, J., and Simard, S.W. (2011) TerreWEB. Branchlines, 22(4): 8-9. Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia.
Refereed Journal Articles, Submitted: <Top
- Pickles, B.J., Wilhelm, R., Asay, A.K., Hahn, A., Simard, S.W.(2015). Carbon assimilation by soil communities: mycorrhizae dominate the uptake and sub-service transfer of carbon between paired Douglas-fir seedlings. New Phytologist.
- Baleshta, K.E,. Simard, S.W., Roach, W.J.(2015). Evidence of kin recognition in conifers and the role of mycorrhizal networks. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. 30(1): 1-11.
- Zustovic M. and Simard, S.W., “Forest canopy gap size affects the regeneration potential of interior Douglas-fir through environmental properties and mycorrhizal networks” Forest Science, Submission date : Aug 31, 2011
Book chapters: <Top
- Simard, S.W.,Asay, A.K., Bingham, M.A., Deslippe, J.R., He, X., Philip, L.J., Song, Y. Teste, F.P.(2015). “Resource transfer between plants through ectomycorrhizal networks”. T.R. Horton Springer, in press. Mycorrhizal Networks.
- Simard, S.W.(2015). The real web of life. Trevor Goward. Speak to the Wild. Submitted
- Simard, S.W., Martin, K., Vyse, A., Larson, B.(2013). “Meta-networks of fungi, fauna and flora as agents of complex adaptive systems” Chapter 7, pages 133-164. Puettmann, K., Messier, C., Coates, K.D.”Managing World Forests as Complex Adaptive Systems” ISBN 978-0-415-51977. : 133-164. Published, Routledge
- Simard, S.W.(2012). “Mycorrhizal Networks and seedling establishment in Douglas-fir forests” Chapter 4, pages 85-107. Darlene Southworth. “Bio-complexity of Plant-Fungal Interactions”. First Edition: 85-107. Published, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Conferences Presentations and Posters <Top
- Asay AK, Simard SW, Aitken SN, Durall DM, Dudley SA, Pickles BJ, Wilhelm R. (2014) Mycorrhizal facilitation of kin recognition in interior Douglas-fir, TerreWEB open house poster presentation, November 25, 2014.
- Larocque A. (2015) “Fish, Forests, Fungi: The Role of Mycorrhizae in Salmon Forests”. Pacific Evolution and Ecology Conference; Bamfield, BC (regional).
- Larocque A. (2015) “Fish in the Forest”. CONFORWest conference; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, USA (regional).
- Simard, S.W (2015). Restoring forests after the tailings dam breach at Mount Polley. by Imperial Metals, Horsefly, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2015). Brushing and free-growing: current research. Resource Practices Branch, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations, Victoria, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2015). Climate change: myths and realities. Peter Wall Institute, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2015). The hidden language of trees. G3 Green Gardens Group, Keynote at the Urban Soil WaterCarbon Summit, Los Angeles, United States
- Simard, S.W (2015). The subterranean language of trees. Invited by the Alberta Soil Science Society. 52nd Annual Soil Science Workshop, Edmonton, Canada
- Zustovic, M. (2015). Forest canopy gap size affects the regeneration potential of interior Douglas-fir through environmental properties and mycorrhizal networks” Presenter: Matt Zustovic Conference: North American Forest Ecology Workshop (NAFEW 10) Presentation date: June 13, 2015
- Zustovic, M. (2015). “Mycorrhiza! The Game” Presenter: Matt Zustovic Conference: Western mycorrhizal gathering Presentation date: May 10, 2015
- Simard, S.W (2014). The Future of B.C.’s Forests – disaster or opportunity. Member of Parliament, Joyce Murray,
- Simard, S.W (2014). Forests matter to us. Brinkman Reforestation Group,
- Simard, S.W (2014). The roots of forest wisdom. Nature Conservancy Canada for “Why forests matter and YOU! A Vancouver event”, Vancouver, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2014). “Forests matter to us”. Presentation by lab group to Brinkman Reforestation Group,
- Simard, S.W (2014). Common mycelial networks and their importance for forest function. North American Mycological Society, United States
- Simard, S.W (2014). Networks of life. International Forestry Students Symposium 2014 (IFSS 2014),
- Simard, S.W (2014). Broadleaf Brushing Studies in the Kootenays. British Columbia Timber Sales, Cast;egar, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2014). The Science, Art and Meaning of Forest Wisdom. 13th Annual International Bioethics Forum, Madison, United States
- Simard, S.W (2014). Healing networks: What we can learn from forests. Women’s Arboriculture Conference, Harrison Lake, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2014). Wired for Healing. Brinkman Group AGM, Squamish, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2014). Species Interactions in Developing Stands. UBC Forestry, Vancouver, Canada
- Zustovic, M. (2014). “Regeneration potential of interior Douglas-fir and the role of Mycorrhizal networks in response to different sized forest canopy gaps” Author: Matt Zustovic Conference: TerreWEB open house presentation date: Nov. 25, 2014
- Simard, S.W. (2013). Wired for Healing: A Story of Complexity, Resilience and Hope. Pechu Kucha talk at 6 Minutesof Passion for Science, Genomics Entrepreneurship at Michael Smith Laboratory, Vancouver, Canada
- Simard, S.W. (2013). “The roots of forest wisdom”. “Why forests matter and YOU! A Vancouver event” by Nature Conservancy Canada, Vancouver, Canada
- Simard, S.W. (2013). Healing Power of Nature’s Networks. TEDYouth talk/
- Simard, S.W. (2012). Climate change science communication in Canada: myths, denial and action. Ecosummit 2012,Columbus, United States
- Simard, S.W. (2012). Innovations in Communicating Global Change Science. ISSRM 2012, Edmonton, Canada
- Simard, S.W. (2012). The power of meta-networks in forest resilience to climate change. SLU – Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden,
- Simard, S.W. (2012). The development of silvicultural systems in Canada. presentation at Stockholm, Sweden for The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry,
- Simard, S.W. (2012). To Grass Seed, or Not. Implications for future stand development and domestic forage seeding. Southern Interior Silviculture Committee,
- Simard, S.W. (2012). Management strategies for post-mountain pine beetle forests. Southern Interior Silviculture Committee,
- Simard, S.W. (2012). Networks of power and influence: The role of mycorrhizas in regeneration of interior Douglas-fir forests. Southern Interior Silviculture Committee
- Simard, S.W. (2012). Should developing countries be allowed to pollute. Global Lounge International Development week,
- Simard, S.W. (2012). Science Communication: Myths, Denial, Action. TerreWEB NSERC CREATE — keynote seminar opening the program seminar series, Vancouver, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2011). Assessing the role of mycorrhizal fungi in limiting migrations of interior Douglas-¬fir and western larch across a latitudinal gradient in British Columbia. Sevilleta LTER Field Station; Fungal/Microbial Genomics WG, United States
- Simard, S.W (2011). No time to waste: forest conservation management is essential for climate change mitigation. Keynote presentation to Columbia Mountain Institute, Nelson, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2011). Connections in Mixed Temperate Forests. Address to graduating class of 2011. RenewableResources Conference, Castlegar, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2011). Above and belowground interactions in conifer-broadleaf mixtures in the temperate forests of western Canada. University of Washington, Sestttle, United States
- Simard, S.W (2011). Law Reform for Nature, Climate and Communities. West Coast Environmental Law Dialogue, Wosk Centre, Vancouver, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2011). Broadleaf-conifer synergies: the healing power of natural succession. Northern Silviculture Committee AGM, Prince Geroge, Canada
- Simard, S.W (2011). The mysterious world of mycorrhizas. Native Plant Society of BC, Vancouver, Canada